Christian Herbalism
Sometimes when I tell people I'm an herbalist they look at me like I'm crazy. I've actually had people tell me that herbalism is from the occult and is akin to devil worship. Or that all herbalists are witches. No, I'm not kidding or exaggerating. I think anyone that actually knows me knows that I definitely am NOT a witch, that I'm definitely not part of the occult, and that I definitely am not a satan worshiper.
Actually, for me, herbalism is an act of worshiping God. You may be wondering how herbalism can be an act of worshiping God. So here it goes.
First, there is the fact that God created all things. That includes the plants. Yes, even those pesky "weeds" (more on that later).
Second, there is God's omnipotence. He knew at the beginning of time what we would need now, in this time. And He placed plants on this planet to help us now, in this time. How awesome and amazing is that?!?! Like seriously. Sit on that for a bit. It honestly brings me to tears to think that the God of the universe, the same God that created everything, cared enough about us at the beginning of time to create things that would help us now. That He cared enough about me to create things that would help me. WOW!!!!!
Next, we need to deal with the fact that a vast majority of the plants out there have some health value. Yes, even those pesky "weeds". And we're on that again. One of the things I've found in my studies is that some of the most nutritious plants out there are, wait for it, weeds. Yep. Those plants that are so annoying and we just can't seem to get rid of and that just take over are some of the most nutrient-dense plants out there. Now, think about that for a moment. Maybe God intended that we actually USE those plants as food. Maybe just maybe they wouldn't take over everything if we actually used them for their intended purpose, as food and to promote health. Maybe God, in His perfect wisdom, created these plants to be so hardy and in such a plethora because we're supposed to be EATING them. It's a mind-blowing and revolutionary thought. It's also something that brings me to my knees in awe of the Creator of it all.
Now, we need to establish what worship is. Worship is anything that brings glory to God. Driving in your car can be worship. Paying your bills can (and honestly really should) be worship. Changing a diaper can be worship. Eating can be worship. And, yes, herbalism can be an act of worship. All of this can be acts of worship if done with a heart of gratitude to God and for the glory of God.
All of this is something I hope to dig into more as I continue to share about my faith in God as well as about herbalism and the wonderful creation of herbs and how they can be useful.
That brings me to something I plan to start doing. I am planning to start sharing a weekly(ish) post about herbal allies. Each week will cover a different herb and its uses. Hopefully, I can open up a whole new world and way of viewing things for some of you.