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How We are Celebrating Advent in 2022

Every year the question comes up, "How do you keep the focus on Christ during the Christmas season?" This is something we have been convicted about and working on for several years. The question came up, yet again, today. So I figured I would share what we're doing here. Each year is a bit different and some of these things it's a bit late to do this year BUT maybe you'll get some ideas for next year. And I'm sure next year I'll share what we're doing then. Hopefully BEFORE Advent starts.

First, for those new to Advent or that may have never even heard of it other than those little Advent calendars that have 25 things for each day in December leading up to Christmas, I'm going to give a quick overview of what Advent is.

In short, Advent is a season of preparation. We're preparing our hearts for the coming of the Messiah. Advent starts four Sundays before Christmas, which usually falls on the Sunday after Thanksgiving (no, Advent is not just the 24 days in December leading up to Christmas, contrary to popular belief. And, yes, that does mean that the number of days changes each year). Traditionally, there is an Advent wreath with candles (three purple, one pink, and a white one in the middle). Each Sunday you light the candle that corresponds to that week (purple, purple, pink, purple, and then the white on Christmas Eve). Each candle has a different meaning, which is usually discussed as they are being lit.

So, how do we celebrate Advent and keep Christ in CHRISTmas?

This year we are using the following guide to help us learn some of the names of Jesus and about His character during evening family worship time.

I've really enjoyed going through this. The one thing I'm not liking is that it's only set up for six days a week and we do seven so I've had to adjust it a bit. After doing the reading for the day we sing a Christmas carol of Greg's choosing.

Many years ago we started doing an Advent chain. You know those paper chains that are popular to make for Christmas decorations? It's basically that with one link for each day of Advent. On the inside of the chain, I write the date and the address of the scripture passage associated with that day's reading. The kids love counting the chain links to figure out how many days until Christmas. We also go against our healthy lifestyle and give candy canes most nights of Advent. The kids get small ones except on Sunday and Christmas Eve when they get a regular one.

We are a homeschool family that does a LOT of read-alouds. During the Advent season, we take a break from our normal curriculum and switch to something that focuses on Christmas and Advent. This year we are using Jotham's Journey with the corresponding guide from Sonlight.

We are all LOVING Jotham's Journey so I think we'll do the next one in the series next year. We aren't really doing the crafts, etc because I already had so many planned and didn't want to overwhelm us (I have a REALLY bad habit of doing just that but I'm trying to get better about it). We are also going through a book that tells the history and stories behind some of the Christmas carols and songs using this book....

Not all of them are Christian songs but they are definitely well-loved and mostly stay away from songs about Santa.

A lot of our crafts focus on the nativity and many of them will be Christmas gifts. We even found these nativity cookie cutters at Hobby Lobby and used them to make gingerbread cookies to decorate.

The kids loved doing this and talking about the different figures. We also painted wood Nativities.

Another tradition we have is to go to a Christmas Eve candlelight service, even if it means finding one at a different church than we usually attend. The church we are currently attending is doing services on the 21st and 22nd and then we'll attend a candlelight service on Christmas Eve.

We also give a book on Christmas. It is always something that encourages and promotes growing a deeper relationship with God.

One more Christ-centered tradition we have is one that has carried over from my childhood. We read the story of Christ's birth from the Bible before we open gifts or anything. Bonus for the parents is that the kids don't get up and start getting into the gifts because they know we have to do our Bible reading first anyways.

One last thing we do is to watch The Nativity Story on Christmas.

Keeping Christ at the center of the holiday season is something we strive for and have spent a lot of time building traditions to do. Is there something else that your family does? Let us know in the comments.


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